I am a graphic designer and illustrator with a visual communication and branding background. I help brands, artists, collectives to develop: visual identity, illustrations, printed supports, books, animations, digital, etc...
ART DIRECTION / BRANDING : Understand / improve / set up a brand strategy - Comprendre / améliorer / mettre en place une stratégie de marque - Définir des moodboards / directions créatives
GRAPHIC DESIGN : Create a unique visual & differentiating brand identity (logo, pattern, stationery, flyer, poster, icon, signage, application on interior design..) - Créer une identité visuelle unique qui se démarque (logo, motif, papeterie, carton d’invitation, poster, enseigne, icônes..)
ILLUSTRATION : Define a suitable illustration style / hand drawing and vector illustration abilities - Définir un style d’illustration / Illustration tradi + vectorielle digitale
DIGITAL : Web design, Social media templates
PACKAGING DESIGN: Think a consistent product range from the positioning until the production - Penser une gamme de produits cohérente du positionnement à la production
ANIMATION : Basic animations (mascot, drawing, logo)
I am part of Arroz Estúdios, a creative artist collective and multicultural space based in Lisbon, Portugal. I also joined El Warcha Lisboa, a social communitary studio who promote social inclusion through collective action and the development of skills that facilitate socioeconomic integration.
My artistic approach combines sketches, spontaneous drawings made with brushes, ink and graphic experiments. I am a fan of live sketching, I like to suggest and be surprised by the irregularity and naivety of the line. I got inspired by the graphical and landscape language I am surrounded by.